Are you interested in getting involved with your community by running for municipal office?
Election Day will be held on Monday, October 18, 2021 from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The Polling station will be at the Town Office Council Chambers located at 321 - 2nd Street South.
This Election will fill seven (7) seats; seven Councillors for a four year term.
View 2021 Town of Vulcan Official Election Results (PNG)
The Returning Officer or designate will receive nominations of candidates for the local jurisdiction election during regular business hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, from January 4, 2021, to September 17, 2021, and on Monday, September 20, 2021, from 8:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. noon.
The Town of Vulcan did not receive the required number of nominations as of the deadline on September 20, 2021 at 12:00 noon. The receipt of nominations shall be adjourned till the next day at the same place from the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and shall be adjourned in the same manner from day to day until 12 noon of the day that the required number of nominations has been received or a period of 6 days, including nominations day but not including Saturday, Sunday and holidays.
Candidate Nomination Packages
Nomination packages are available at the Town Office. You may also contact the Town Office at 403-485-2417 to receive a package by email. If you wish to pick up a nomination package please contact the Town Office for an appointment.
Download Nomination Package (PDF)
Qualifications for a Candidate
Candidates should review the Local Authorities Election Act Part 1, Sections 22 and 23 to determine their eligibility for nomination. It is the candidates responsibility to make sure that they are not in violation of any condition of eligibility.
A person may be nominated as a candidate in the Town of Vulcan's Municipal Election, if on nomination day the candidate is:
- 18 years of age or older
- A Canadian citizen
- A resident of the Town of Vulcan for six (6) consecutive months immediately proceeding Nomination Day (A resident since March 18, 2021)
- Not otherwise ineligible or disqualified
Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) Amendments
The Local Authorities Election Act has been amended.
The Act now requires that "no person shall accept a contribution or incur a campaign expense unless the person has been nominated as a candidate".
Any person running for office should be aware of the new legislation for campaigning funds, banking and disclosure. These can be found in the Local Authorities Election Act Part 5, Section 147.1 through 147.96, inclusive. It is the responsibility of the candidates to ensure they are in compliance with the LAEA.
A summary of the recent changes can be found on the Alberta Government website.
Voter Eligibility Identification Requirements
Voter Identification is required by all voters. Each voter must produce one piece of identification that establishes both the elector's name and current address. For more information please click this link Voter Eligibility Identification (PDF) requirements.
You must be a Canadian Citizen and have been a resident of Alberta for at least six (6) months immediately preceding Election Day. Your place of residence must be in the Town of Vulcan on Election Day in order to vote for Councillors.
For more information you can contact:
Returning Officer, Kim Fath or
Substitute Returning Officer, Janice McCallum-Campbell
Town of Vulcan
321 - 2nd Street South
Vulcan, Alberta T0L 2B0
Additional information about the upcoming municipal election will be posted as it becomes available. Check regularly for updates!
Election Related Documents
- Understanding Alberta's Municipal Governments
- Running for Municipal Office in Alberta: A Candidates Guide
- Now That You Have Been Elected
- Council Roles & Responsibilities
- Facts About the Municipal Government Act
- In-Camera discussions of Council
- Committee Appointments Article MW
- Pecuniary Interest for Municipal Councillors
- Gendre vs Fort Macleod
- A Councillors Reason for Running
- Alberta Leaders Training - Preparing Candidates for the Local Elections